Peace, Not War

Our country has been at war for most of my lifetime, and it’s time that Congress ends these forever wars and dismantles the military-industrial complex. We need to reshape our foreign policy by cutting our bloated defense budget, fighting back against US imperialism, and working instead to guarantee the prosperity and right to self-determination for all people abroad.


Our Vision & Core Policies

End our Endless Wars

  • Repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force

  • Bring our troops home and cease our endless wars, drone strikes, and bombings that destabilize other countries

  • End our practice of overthrowing democratically-elected leaders in other countries

Support our Veterans

  • Enact Medicare for All so that Veterans receive the best healthcare available

  • Create a powerful, independent taskforce to combat sexual assault in the military and provide real support to survivors both enlisted and retired

Fight against US Imperialism

  • Massively scale back foreign military financing

  • End economic sanctions and embargoes that disproportionately hurt the working class residents of affected countries

  • Use American foreign aid to support struggling nations without imposing conditions that lead to austerity measures

  • Regulate multinational corporations headquartered in the United States so that they have to pay fair wages in every country they operate in

Affirm Democracy at Home and Abroad

  • Support the right to peacefully protest human rights abuses abroad

  • Close Guantanamo Bay

  • Cut off funding entirely for countries that continue to engage in human rights abuses

  • Pursue lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis: one that uplifts the dignity and right to self-determination of Palestinians. I support ending the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, equal and universal civil rights for all Palestinians and Israelis, and the ending of sanctions that are stripping Palestinians of the right to a healthy quality of life. I will support legislation to ensure that any aid the US gives to Israel is conditional on its compliance with international law