Our country and government must do more to protect LGBTQIA+ folks from discrimination in our systems and institutions. Problems such as lack of affordable medical care, housing insecurity, and mass incarceration disproportionately impact LGBTQIA+ people. We must strengthen federal anti-discrimination laws and enforcement, pass policies that guarantee every single person’s basic needs are met, and offer targeted support to LGBTQIA+ folks whose identities intersect with other marginalized communities.


Our Vision & Core Policies

Deliver to LGBTQIA+ Folks the Healthcare They Need

  • Ensure that gender-affirming surgery is covered as part of Medicare for All legislation

  • Guarantee that incarcerated trans people have all their medical needs fully met, including hormone therapy

Ensure that our Federal Agencies Are Equipped to Fight LGBTQIA+ Discrimination

  • Include both sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes under federal anti-discrimination laws, such as the Fair Housing Act 

  • Properly fund federal agencies in charge of enforcing anti-discrimination laws 

  • Pass federal legislation to make it easier for trans people to change their gender on legal documents, as well as create a nonbinary option for gender on legal documents

Protect LGBTQIA+ Youth

  • Enact a federal ban on conversion therapy

  • Pass legislation to prevent discrimination for both children and families in the foster care and adoption systems

  • Pass national anti-bullying legislation

Address Interlocking Systems of Discrimination

  • End the LGBTQIA+ youth homeless epidemic and guarantee housing as a right to all 

  • Decarcerate our communities so that fewer LGBTQIA+ people are detained, and ensure that incarcerated transgender people are housed in accordance with their gender identity and have their medical needs fully met