Universal Healthcare

Healthcare is a right, not a place for profits. It’s not enough to guarantee access to healthcare when so few Delawareans can afford to use it. No one should ever go into debt to stay healthy. It’s time for a single payer system that provides comprehensive medical, dental, vision, and mental healthcare.


Our Vision & Core Policies

Medicare for All

  • Fight for a single payer healthcare system that includes comprehensive medical, dental, vision, and mental healthcare

  • Ensure that Medicare for All legislation covers home, community, and facility-based long term care, in-patient and out-patient services, substance abuse treatment, reproductive care, and prescription drugs

  • Include gender-affirming surgery and hormone therapy as part of Medicare for All legislation

Improve our Health Infrastructure

  • Switch to a global budgeting model based on need to fund our hospitals and clinics

  • Address the Primary Care Physician shortage in our country by making our public universities tuition-free 

Lower the Price of Prescription Drugs

  • Allow our single payer system to negotiate with drug companies 

  • Import drugs from other industrialized countries to lower prices and provide patients with more options

  • Hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for predatory practices and price gouging

Fight for Health Equity

  • Repeal the Hyde Amendment

  • End medical bias and eradicate health disparities for people of color, LGBTQ+, indigenous, and rural communities by fully funding community-based health centers, building up our health infrastructure in low income and majority Black and brown communities, and increasing diversity in the medical profession

  • Decommodify medical research and destroy patent monopolies

Combat the Opioid Crisis

  • Hold manufacturers liable and require them to fund the treatment programs necessary to end the epidemic

  • Treat addiction as a public health issue, not a carceral issue.

  • Cover substance abuse and addiction treatment as part of Medicare for All legislation